4 Women (and 1 Blob) I Follow on Instagram Who Make Me Feel Good

When I need a boost, I don’t seek perfection. I like my influencers to be accessible, accepting and have a good sense of humor. Here are a few quirky gals, along with one genderless blob, I’m enjoying on Instagram. Who are you following that we should know about?


I’m not sure what this crafty, deliciously silly woman’s real name is, but I gotta assume it’s Peaches. Peaches makes fun of the latest runway fashion trends by whipping up versions on her sewing machine out of household materials (like garbage bags) and modeling them hilariously around her house. She bowls with a team called the Bowl Movement, she dubbed last month Muu Muu March and calls her perpetually amazed husband The Captain. So damn funny and creative. You’ll giggle.


I admire Diane Shiffer’s handle,”Your Chubby Vintage Nana”, because it so succinctly describes what she’s all about. Diane serves up everyday bits of wisdom with a demeanor that’s so warm and calming you feel like you’ve been tenderly wrapped in a tea cozy. Her outfits, grooming and home reflect her love for the 1940s, yet she promotes empowerment and personal expression and is an advocate for the LGBTQ+ community. I love seeing women over 60 celebrate their authentic selves, without denying their age.

I can’t embed her Instagram posts here, but here’s a screenshot of her page to give you a flavor.


Jennine Jacob is a stylist who recently went from 500 to over 100,000 followers—wow! Her medium is clothes, but her message is really about having the confidence to express your unique personality. Wear what makes YOU feel good, she says, and you don’t have to follow trends or spend a lot of money to do it. Her own style is edgy/artsy/cool, but she has a system that allows you to find what works for you. I’m thinking of using her 10-piece capsule wardrobe formula for my upcoming 12 day trip to Ireland and Paris next month. Dare I?

Mary Orton

Mary Orton does seem to be practically perfect. She exudes aristocratic beauty and impeccable taste. But I forgive her flawless skin and undeniable gorgeousness because she’s soooo clever. Her employs her biting wit and extensive vocabulary to bemoan the indignities of motherhood. I like this smarty-pants fashionista, who is so funny she could write for SNL.


Who knew that an adorable genderless cartoon blob could be an inspiring source of wisdom and acceptance? Lennnie makes me feel hopeful. We need that.

What social media accounts do you follow that lift you up? Let me know. And if you’d like to be notified when I post new stories, you can sign up with your email right here:

Check out this post from a few years ago, these women still rock!

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