4 Very Good Things I Learned from Martha Stewart’s Masterclass on Business

This is the 98th of Martha Stewart’s 99 books

Despite a long stint as a stay-at-home mom, I never really excelled in the domestic arts, so becoming a fan of Martha Stewart at this stage of life is kind of a surprise. But I just watched her “Think Like a Boss, Live Like a Legend” course on Masterclass and I’m impressed. I really enjoyed spending a typical work day with this 82 year-old lifestyle guru. She’s a disciplined, innovative visionary with a wry sense of humor and a hot bod. Martha Stewart, you’re my latest aging role model!

Here are the four things I learned from Martha’s Masterclass:

Plan to work hard. I guess this seems obvious for any successful person, but I’m impressed by how productive Martha is each day. She wakes up early, goes to pilates and makes herself green juice from the vegetables she grows in her garden. This routine sets up a day that runs as efficiently as a Rolex: meeting with the staff on her gorgeous farm, making phone calls while being driven to her Manhattan offices, recording her podcast, tasting and evaluating new products, then returning home to literally saw logs, review her newest book and say goodnight to her donkeys. Martha hates to waste time on frivolous things like lunch or cocktails and doesn’t need a lot of sleep. “I don’t stop. I don’t need downtime. What do you need downtime for?” she asks.

Well, I love downtime (and a cocktail), but this class motivates me to make more of my day. This year my resolution is to follow a purposefully designed schedule so I’m spending time on the things that matter to me. Martha inspires me to take this further—do more, be more, and focus on the details. I’ll never skip lunch, but I’m definitely trying to be smarter about how I use my time.

Know who you are and believe in yourself. Martha has built her success on having great taste, but that begins with confidence in herself and her expertise. If she thinks an idea is a “good thing” she believes it has value for others. “Everyday beautiful ideas for everyday living was the whole basis for Martha Stewart Living,” she says. “And if I can do it, you can do it.” She pursues her projects with determination and insists upon high quality and functionality, even for the most mundane cleaning aid. “I think I’m a really good barometer for lifestyle and living.”

Sometimes I get wobbly about putting my ideas out there—like, who even cares about this? But if I have confidence in my experience and judgement, as Martha does, it’s worth exploring!

Continue to evolve and try new things. Both Martha Stewart and her company have had to change over time to survive. Personally, she staged a remarkable comeback after serving five months in prison for insider trading in 2004. Then, the magazine industry began to decline, so she moved her efforts into TV, sponsorships, social media and a high-larious partnership with the rapper Snoop Dog. She accepts change as a given. “You have to give up on the old and adopt the new,” says Martha.

Last year, she was featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit issue, a huge achievement for anyone, but especially an 81 year-old grandmother. But Martha doesn’t view her age as a limitation. She worked her butt off to prepare for that photo shoot and ended up looking amazing. And it was obviously a success. Says Martha, “My cover, I have been told, was the best selling cover of all time for a Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.” Boom.

As I’ve written, I think one of the keys to feeling fabulous about growing older is to keep learning and growing and Martha provides a great example of this.

Aim high and be excited about what you do. Martha Stewart started her company when she was 50 years old, and had ambitious plans from the start. “In my company, I expected success and I thought big.” And it’s certainly worked out. Through her books, media company (which she sold) and other projects, she is estimated to be worth $400 million. The thing I like most is how thrilled and invigorated she is by her wide-ranging initiatives.

“I keep coming up with new ideas all the time. I’m so excited to be doing what I’m doing each and every day. It’s fun for me. I just like the challenges of every day.” It’s wonderful to see how she, and her business, continue to flourish.

Your next lifestyle expert perhaps?

Now that I’ve learned all Martha’s secrets to success, could I be the next lifestyle maven? I’m not a gardener, decorator or chef, but I’m dreaming big! I’ll call my Masterclass: How to Enjoy Life as a Full Grown Woman (Without Being Handy). 

Bye for now, I’m off to get sh*t done!

4 thoughts

  1. Loved this & love your outfit❤️ You go girl ‼️🥰

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  2. I have always had a love hate relationship with this woman! I know she is an amazing badass woman, but in my less than confidant moments made me feel like oh god…one more thing I can’t do like Martha.

    Love the article. Love your thoughts!!
    And your outfit!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Patty! I just love how she won’t back down from doing exactly what she wants at this age. But I’m buying the pie at Publix or Jewel!


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